DON'T COME HERE AT 3:00 AM! (Best GTA 5 Easter Egg)
The latest DLC which came out last week on this on the th so in the latest DLC which just came out in GTA Rockstar Games added in a bunch of things into the game including a brand new Easter Egg now this Easter Egg is huge because there's a team of people looking into this I will leave a link to all of them in the description below and they've been researching this for days and days and days since the DLC came out trying to figure out what it is but this Easter Egg is huge and the reason why we know this is because right now as we speak there is a team of people trying to get everything out going through everything and what they have found is absolutely insane and something tells me you guys are going to be in for a treat so before we get into things I just want to say if you guys could be able to kind enough to smash that thumbs up button it would of course be greatly appreciated especially if you guys love Easter eggs and mysteries we do my best to try and get as many out to you guys as possible and if you guys know anything else then make sure to let me know in the comments section below let's get into the sheet of paper quickly let me just run through everything which has been added to the game so as I'm pretty sure all of you guys are aware there was a brand new DLC added GTA online just over a week ago now like Rockstar Games usually do they always add in a few secret item or there's going to be some unreleased vehicles which are later to be released a few weeks after DLC.
whether it's something to do with an Easter Egg like the Bigfoot versus beast mystery which came out maybe a year or two ago that's whatever happens Rockstar Games lovely thing includes and breadcrumbs two future mysteries and future Easter eggs and they always come after huge DLCs now this was no exception so the first thing we're going to take a look at is this damaged UFO and the second thing is an alien egg the third thing is an alien and then what looks like some doctors maybe some scientists and also some lights and stuff which go around this site which rockstar games are supposedly meant to be creating now you guys are probably thinking what on earth of Rockstar Games up to well already this Easter Egg looks insane it's got aliens has got UFO and it's got so many awesome things in the game now where can we find this Easter Egg well don't worry guys we know the exact location and this is why doing this video because the Easter Egg is in this game the mystery is on the hunt is on and you guys can start taking a look at this for yourself because it's pretty insane so this is the interesting part once these new items were discovered the entire mystery scene in GTA absolutely exploded on this information in fact they research pretty much every single crumb they possibly can do about this and they're still researching this now and they discovered that each one of these objects has individual scripts has individual IDs and also has coordinates as well attached them now what this means is Rockstar Games have coded all of these objects to do something in a specific location in GTA this is where things get interesting so let's say hypothetically one of these objects had a script attached to it which would say okay this is going to crash land at this one location at this one specific time that's what Rockstar Games have done with this they've added scripts in to this they've added actions and animations onto all of these objects to create a huge easter egg in GTA the exciting thing is is that we know exactly where this is going to happen in the game we know exactly where these objects are located and coincidentally enough after investigating each one of these new objects which are obviously all collected together because every UFO and alien egg and alien scientist and also some lights to light up the area as well we know this is all collected together and all of the locations and coordinates attached to all of these objects all are pin pointing to this one location just outside the military base and it makes so much sense every single one of these objects are located in the same place in GTA in fact just a few meters away from each other as if it's a scene or something created just outside the military base and what a better place you have all of these things in GTA other than the military base where all of these crazy things are supposedly meant to happen in GTA so this is why I'm doing this video because we're going to go over to that location and we're going to try and encounter this Easter eggs for ourselves in GTA and I'm really looking forward to this because I love Easter eggs I love mysteries and I just love new things in the game and this is no exception guys this is a new thing and this could potentially be one of the biggest Easter eggs in GTA but the fact rock star games of added in individual IDs coordinates script animations they've got everything set up for these objects it's not just a random props thrown into GTA these things do something they have their own set of animation and all we need to do is try and trigger this random event to occur in GTA or GTA online to see exactly what is going to do in the game because this this is just going to be insane guys we're going to go over to that location right now I'm going to bring up my map and see exactly where this could be oh it's definitely it's around here so this is exactly where this random event happened this is where this Easter Egg is located in GTA we're going to go over to that location right now and we're going to try and summon this what we do know is that this is definitely an easter egg in GTA it's definitely a mystery it's just been added in and all we need to do is try and activate it and this is why I decided to do this video because I want to see if I can activate anything to do with this Easter Egg in this episode we're going to go over to the location at three o'clock in the morning we're going to go and check it out in thunder and lightning we've also got a hundred percent completion right now as well
we are going to activate this guys I promise you we're going to get to the end of this and I want to see what goes down when this Easter Egg triggers when it activates when it does its thing I just want to see what happens because it sounds insane guys this is going to be interesting I'm also going to have my volume up on Macs as well what we do know is this location that needs to be explored at every single opportunity in the day in GTA by cos this is insane and we just know there is something hiding down here and it's all a matter of time on how we can locate it how we can get this thing here and it looks like it is right there if you guys take a look I'm going to quickly just jump out a plane come on Franklin Oh Oh No come on we can do this oh that was close we almost took ourself out we're good though we're good Franklin owned that right buddy ain't that right our health bar does not suggest we are good but okay guys okay there we go yes we're good we're good this is where things take place this is where the UFO is in GTA this is where rockstar games have put coordinates on it also the alien egg alien scientist everything there they all it locates to this location so maybe just looking at this I mean this looks like a very convenient spot to have the UFO crash lands mean I don't know how this can get here other than a UFO crash landing in GTA how else is the UFOs going to get here it has to crash lands and oh my gosh this is going to be amazing and just looking at this guys I already know this Easter eggs going to be insane and it looks like it's going to happen in this one Marsh area just around here because you can see this would kind of fit a UFO in GTA but how on earth are we going to get this tool and how in else are we going to get this Easter Egg in GTA that's that's the interesting part guys that's the confusing part because it's all well and good we know everything about this so far but we don't know how to trigger it can only assume that this Easter Egg is going to happen in story mode and not online because story mode is unique to you it's only happening in your game in online I can imagine it might be a tiny bit confusing with the scripts but you never know guys this Easter Egg might work in online I mean you really never know but I'm just going to keep my volume up and we're going to try and summon this UFO at all points in the day and we're going to see what we can find in the skies it has to crash-land it really does and I want to see how this is going to go down I really do this is insane but Cena well guys I'm going to change the time to o'clock in the morning let's set it to so I have time to get there we have a hundred percent completion right now and we're just going to chill here with Franklin and we're going to let it go to three o'clock in the morning I'm going to keep my volume as high as possible as well I don't know what to expect a UFO should crash lands here it's three in the morning okay I might make was like hard oh gosh I do not like this I do not like this at all there's so many noises going on around here [Music] okay you know what guys I'm going to set it to thunder and lightning see if this works Thunder come on come on come on [Music] oh boy thunder and lightning I'm going to be instead of time let's reset the time quickly days I've know what to expect like literally right there in that marshland that circle of marshland a UFO is going to crash down there now whether it happens today tomorrow this week that next month it's going to happen rockstar games they've already coated this in the game it's just down to how we trigger this and activate this in GTA and that's the mystery we see anything in the sky anything in the sky guys oh man anything anything at all anything in the sky we're doing this as three in the morning thunder and lightning right now oh good this is going to be crazy I want to I want to see this I really do I'm not going to give up until we see these guys come on rock star come on come on rock star where is it where is the UFO I mean what else can we do to treat this guy's either we're on a Monday right now so maybe we have to go on a specific day.
There are Easter eggs in GTA believe it or not which trigger on specific days in specific time in specific weather conditions I mean that's how that's so complex these Easter eggs are and you know what I'm going to go over to Tuesday let's go it was Tuesday guys let's speed up the time okay there we go Tuesday in the morning come on rock star don't let us down don't let us down there we go in the morning this is kind of creepy guys I don't know what to expect like I can imagine just the UFO crashing down into there I'm going to stand right in a little bit I'm standing right here guys what can we see what can we see so let's get out let's get out I do not want to be crushed by this UFO when it crash land I'm gonna change it to the next day I'm gonna go on the Wednesday there we go three o'clock again it's now Wednesday we can go through every single day of the week guys extra sunny clear cloud smog foggy let's keep it foggy I mean what we do know is that the golden POC plants the belief they only appear when it's foggy between in the morning or something on my days guys this already looks creepy there's fog going along the marshland oh my gosh guys this this is just creepy I mean I don't know what to do guys I really don't because there's so many complex triggers to trigger these Easter eggs in GTA and if you guys will know if you have done the Bigfoot versus beast Easter Egg you have to go to each location during a certain time and a certain weather condition in a certain day of the week all in the same order and then you have to follow just sounds of the beast in order to find him and all just do that it will still take at least half an hour to an hour to find him so rockstar games are extremely complex about these Easter eggs but I'm determined to find this Easter Egg because no rock star you were not hiding this one under my chin we're going to find this Easter egg and we're going to see exactly what it's all about because already just taking a look in the game files in the scripts in the coordinates everything about this it all points to an epic UFO crash-landing outside the military base and so far no one has discovered this and it just looks absolutely insane now.
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